News Stories

unmiss south sudan western bahr el ghazal roads china peacekeepers peacekeeping united nations un

Thanks to UNMISS engineers from China, the nearly 30,000 community members of Raja county in Western Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan, no longer need to suffer during the country's long rainy season. Chinese peacekeepers rehabilitated two vital bridges plus a 40-kilometer stretch of the road connecting Raja to the state capital, Wau. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS

UNMISS ghana medal parade bentiu unity floods south sudan UN unpeacekeeping peacekeepers peace security

700 Ghanaian peacekeepers were awarded the prestigious United Nations medal for their commitment to shaping a more peaceful and prosperous future for the people of the world’s youngest nation. The ceremony, which took place in Bentiu featured a well choreographed military parade in which 130 Ghanaian peacekeepers took part, including 30 women. The meaningful event was attended by UNMISS Force Commander, Lieutenant General Mohan Subramanian, state authorities as well as senior Ghanaian military personnel who travelled to South Sudan to attend the ceremony. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan humanitarian aid attacks peacekeepers india ethiopia world food programme wfp IDP united nations un peacekeeping jonglei

UNMISS peacekeepers from Ethiopia and India provided protective escorts to large humanitarian convoys from the World Food Programme, enabling displaced communities in Pibor, Akobo, Lankien and Yuai, to receive life-saving aid. In April 2023, UNMISS peacekeepers have ensured that 150 trucks of humanitarian supplies reach their destinations safely across greater Jonglei, one of South Sudan's most food-insecure states where aid workers have been frequently attacked.

unmiss south sudan juba rwanda vegetable garden rondereza economical stove food security sexual violence deforestation communal garden harvests livelihoods

Women and men in Juba's Korok West Village, guided by UNMISS peacekeepers from Rwanda, plant vegetables and learn how to use fuel-efficient stove. Photos: Moses Pasi/UNMISS

unmiss human rights tambura south sudan training capacity building civil society elections united nation un peacekeepers peacekeeping

With South Sudan gearing up for peaceful and credible elections next year, upholding human rights for all is critical. Thanks to an UNMISS-facilitated training, civil society representatives from three counties in Western Equatoria are now better equipped to educate communities on these essential rights. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS
