News Stories

unmiss south sudan community dialogue peace reconciliation small arms ammunition weapon guns disarmament protection civilians united nations un

As South Sudan gears up to complete its democratic elections with the conduct of free, fair and peaceful elections at the end of next year, communities in Mayom, Unity state, believe that guns must be silenced and removed from civilian hands to usher in lasting peace. Photo by Jacob Ruai/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan unity state bentiu internally displaced persons camp sports for peace unity reconciliation

More than a couple of games, the recent Sports for Peace event in Bentiu united a massive crowd of people for a few precious hours together. Photos: Peter Bateman/UNMISS

Thousands came to an UNMISS event in Aweil North County to enjoy music, dancing and information about the country's peace process. Photos: Deng Mou/UNMISS

explosion ammunitions depot south sudan SSPDF arms small ordnance explosion blast danger injuries risk UNMAS UNMISS unmiss peacekeeping casualty

A massive explosion at an SSPDF ammunition depot in Rubkona has led to civilian injuries as well as propelled unexploded ordnance and dangerous debris across a nearly two-kilometer radius. UNMAS demining teams are surveying and clearing the area, but it's a long road ahead to make the ground safe for communities once again. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS

south sudan unmiss conflict intercommunal malakal united nations peacekeepers peacekeeping unmiss south sudan

At least 13 people have been killed and more than 20 others injured, as conflict erupted in the early hours of the morning between two displaced communities sheltering in the UN Protection Site in Malakal, South Sudan.

UNMISS World Environment Day recycle compost agriculture sustainable plastic pollution south sudan china

It's always heartwarming when peacekeepers go beyond the mandate to help local communities build livelihood skills! On World Environment Day, Chinese peacekeepers in Wau presented sustainable ways to leverage kitchen gardens and produce high quality yields that will enable small farmers feed their families and conduct bustling trade in local markets. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS

unmiss quick impact project environment solar energy justice court rule of law south sudan united nations

Justice actors in the Greater Bahr El Ghazal region should be able to speed up court proceedings, thanks to a green energy handover by UNMISS that will help combat frequent power outages in court houses through solar-powered electricity. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution Art festival traditions unity harmony inclusivity

At an UNMISS-supported peace festival in Torit, South Sudanese representing more than 20 ethnic groups united for peace and to say no to intercommunal violence. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS
